So what have I been doing?......that has kept me so busy.
I am now the agent for Un Esprit en Plus in Australia. Along with Pia, and Recup pas Hassard, Sandrine, and L'esprit de Luna, and Anna from Anna Fleberg, I mounted a stand at Life in Style in Sydney in February.
I have concentrated on bringing so many beautiful things from Europe to Australia, that I forgot to come up for air occassionally and write on my blog. So busy, that I have not even looked at Flo's blog (gourmy) in a few weeks.
I have lots of catching up to do.
I fell in love with Antiques & Brocante and the habits of a chinner because I fell in love with a house. The house inspired so much, like ..... a dormant garden just waiting for someone to ....... push open the gates